Making home improvements can be one of the most gratifying tasks, but it can also be expensive and time-consuming. Thankfully, there are many ways to monetize your home improvement projects and inspire others to enact their own DIY passions by documenting home improvements for followers, creating and monetizing your blog or website, and using digital marketing to promote yourself (and improve your profitability). These tips from Cindy Grenier will show you how to turn your home improvement aspirations into income.
Choose a Topic
To start, you’ll need to decide on a home improvement project that is near and dear to your heart. It could be anything from building a fence around your Winnipeg property to updating old cabinets in your kitchen. You can find inspiration by browsing Pinterest and researching how-to guides online.
What Tools Do I Need?
Before you start building, it’s a good idea to determine what tools you need. It’s important to know ahead of time so that you don’t buy an expensive tool only to find out that you don’t need it for your project.
Don’t Forget Safety
If a project seems too complex or too dangerous or if you don’t have time, then hire out. Remember, asking someone else to do it just means someone else will be in charge of completing it.
Write Down How-to Steps
Before you start any home improvement, write down all of your steps and required products so that you can easily refer back to them. This will also help you stay on track during every step of your DIY journey. Maybe it is as simple as making a list or as extensive as writing out an eBook with pictures from each step.
Get Creative With Photos and Videos
Take photos and videos of your projects as you’re working on them. It will help document what you did, how you did it, and inspire others to follow in your footsteps. And if you can hook up a GoPro-style camera to it (or even a selfie stick) it will be much better for captivating moments. And let’s face it: Home improvement projects lend themselves well to DIY YouTube channels.
Don’t Forget To Share
As you begin working on your home improvement projects, make sure to share photos and tips with social media followers or email subscribers. This gives potential customers a look at what they can expect should they choose to use your services, while allowing you to drive traffic to your website. As people browse through your projects, they’ll likely see a need for something in their own homes — be it a deck addition or remodel — and contact you. You can also use Google Ads to drive traffic to your site.
Paying for Remodeling Projects
Another way to fund home improvements is to take out a home equity loan. The maximum is determined by subtracting the amount owed on your mortgage from the value of your home. The money lent can be used for any purpose like remodeling your kitchen or bathroom.
Passion Into a Career
There are so many different ways to make money doing something you love. By combining all of these ways of earning money from home improvement you can turn your passion into a career. Contact Cindy if you’re buying or selling a home in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
