Cindy Grenier

Oct 3, 2022

Winnipeg Market Update

There’s no such thing as the “right” time to buy or sell. 

No matter what you hear.

No matter what people say.

No matter what the “experts/influencers” try to tell you.

The truth is the best time to buy or sell is when YOU are ready! Winter, spring, summer, or fall, I’m here to help you step into your real estate goals. Sure, we’ll use various strategies depending on the time of year, but there’s never a “bad” time to buy or sell if you know in your mind and heart it’s time!

That said, here’s what you can anticipate if your end-of-year checklist includes a major move:

- Buyers, buy now, and you’ll enjoy motivated sellers and lenders, year-end tax advantages, and a new home just in time for the holidays!

- Sellers, sell now, and you’ll enjoy less competition, lots of attention from buyers’ agents, and serious buyers ready to get a move on.

Current market stats for buyers and sellers to keep in mind:

- Inventory = 1,303

- Homes sold = 476

- Average price = $413,513

- Days on market = 21

So, the next time you are reading all that 'stuff' online, making you doubt if now is the right time to buy or sell, slowly scroll away and send me a DM. I’ll be here to help when you’re ready!

Looking for a specific area? Just ask!

Cindy Grenier, Realtor


Selling Winnipeg, Steinbach, Niverville and areas since 2008. Services en Français.

Need a new house? Buy or sell a home with Cindy.